Expatservice Amsterdam


Woningverhuur in Amsterdam en omgeving

Ons actuele aanbod

Over ons

Everyone has the desire to live in a magnificent home space! What if we offer you the homes with stunning architecture and modular facilities at an affordable range of prices!

Expat Rentals in Amsterdam has been successfully providing excellent home rental services. Browse through the amazing home-options and book your favorite apartment for an exquisite living experience!

Onze nieuwste woningen

Admiraal De Ruijterweg

€ 2.450 per maand

Sara Burgerhartstraat

Prijs op aanvraag

Laan van Kronenburg

€ 950 per maand

De Binderij

€ 1.650 per maand

De Binderij

€ 1.950 per maand

Onze vestiging